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WORLD 2023
World stamp Exhibition (Essen)
International stamps exhibition
Notos - International postal history
AEP 2021
European philatelic press award
Why a new postal history magazine?
Well, we believe that we can offer through an international network articles to readers who are interested on a broader view of the history of the post and of philately, which comprises key elements such as paper, letter writing, stamps, routes and communications in a combination with historical developments: all contributing factors to a more comprehensive view of “postal history”.
“Post Horn Magazine nr. 2” is here – Spring-Summer Editon 2020
Post Horn Magazine of International Postal History celebrates its first birthday! After the 00 test issue presented at Milanofil 2019 and shortly after – officially – at Stockholmia (May 2019), Executive Editor Publisher Claudio Ernesto Manzati was given the privilege of launching the 01 issue at Montecarlo during the AEP (Académie Européenne de Philatélie www.aephil.com) […]
Post Horn Magazine presented to FIP President
Bernard Beston, President of the International Federation of Philately (FIP) is pictured here receiving a copy of the issue No. 1 of POST HORN – INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE OF POSTAL HISTORY – from its Editor in Chief, Dr. Claudio E. Manzati during the 22-24 November Mega Stamp Show in Verona. Post Horn No. 1 will […]
POST HORN Magazine: The Number Zero issue presented to His Majesty King Simeon II of Bulgaria at Plovdiv
PLOVDIV, Bulgaria – Plovdiv is the 2019 European Capital of Culture together with the Italian city of Matera; from 17 to 20 October Plovdiv hosted a major stamp exhibition jointly organised by the Philatelic Federation of the Philatelic Societies of Bulgaria and the European Academies of Philately. During the exhibition the Number Zero of the […]
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di Wong Kin Chi Danny – Hong Kong Dal 1557, l’enclave portoghese di Macao, sulla costa cinese, è stata il tramite del commercio e dello scambio culturale tra Oriente e Occidente. I mercanti e i missionari che soffrivano di mal di casa si affidavano alle navi che facevano scalo a Macao per riportare a casa […]

The longest journey of a Mulready envelope accompanied by “bounty immigrants” in 1840 …
di Klaus Weis Le cartolerie Mulready emesse in Gran Bretagna, erano state buste con una suggestiva illustrazione allegorica, e sono considerate le prime cartoline postale al mondo, ovvero per definizione buste filateliche prepagate con impresso un francobollo. Le cartoline Mulready furono vendute dal 1 maggio 1840 ed erano validi agli sportelli postali dal 6 maggio […]

di Roberto Quondamatteo Elisabetta nacque il 21 aprile 1926 a Londra al 17 di Bruton Street e venne battezzata nella cappella di Buckingham Palace col nome di Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Nel 1926, suo nonno Giorgio V era Re del Regno Unito e suo padre era il Duca di York: per questo, la giovane Elisabetta […]