The personal reference archive of the late
Paolo Vollmeier RDP
Edited and compiled by Dr. Thomas Matha FRPSL
1 Postal conventions, regulations and decrees
2 Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
3 Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
4 Postal history collections
5 Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
6 Studies and articles
(A.S. = Archivio di Stato = State Archive)
1. Postal conventions, regulations and decrees
1.1 Kingdom of Italy / Napoleonic period
1.1.1 Postal Convenction 17.3.1803 France – Italy and project for a new contract 1806 (A.S. Paris)
1.1.2 Military Postal Service Regulation 1809, Armee d’Italie (A.S. Paris)
1.2 Tuscany
1.2.1 Postal convention Tuscany and Austria 1.8.1817 (A.S. Vienna)
1.2.2 Postal convention Tuscany and Austria 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.2.3 Postal convention Tuscany and Austria 22.8.1839 (A.S. Vienna)
1.2.4 Postal convention Tuscany and Austria – Lega Austro-Italica (A.S. Firenze)
1.2.5 Postal convention Tuscany and France 1851
1.2.6 Tuscany notification 21.3.1851 (Laws Collection)
1.2.7 Tuscany notification 25.6.1851 and Synoptic Postal Rate
1.2.8 Tuscany notification 23.5.1852 (Laws Collection)
1.2.9 Tuscany notification 17.7.1852 (Laws Collection)
1.3 Parma
1.3.1 Postal convention Austria Parma Piacenza Guastalla 1817 (A.S. Vienna)
1.3.2 Postal convention Austria Parma 1851 (A.S. Vienna)
1.3.3 Synoptic Table Arrival and Departures 1829
1.4 Modena
1.4.1 Postal convention Austria Modena 3.12.1817 (A.S. Vienna)
1.4.2 Postal convention Austria Modena 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5 Papal States
1.5.1 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1815, 1818 (Haus-Hof-Staatsarchiv Vienna)
1.5.2 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.3 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823, art. additional 1839 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.4 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1852 (Berlin Postal Museum)
1.5.5 idem, text published in Italian (Laws collection)
1.5.6 idem, text published in German (Laws Collection)
1.5.7 General Tariffs for all Tuscany posts (in Papal State)
1.5.8 Naples-Mantua
1.5.9 Notification 1824
1.5.10 Austrian Postal Office in Rome
1.6 Duchy of Milan
1.6.1 Lindau Currier (Fussacher Bote) Thurn & Taxis Archive in Regensburg (Dossier 5044) (Milan July 1747)
1.7 Sardinia
1.7.1 Postal convention Sardinia – Ticino 1837 + 1844 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.2 Postal convention Sardinia – France 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.3 Postal convention Sardinia – Vaud 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.8 Austria
1.8.1 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1817, 1822, 1825, 1831, 1843 (A.S. Paris)
1.8.2 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1857 (Postal Museum Paris)
2. Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
2.1 Dossier 5050
2.1.1 Dossier 5050
2.2 Dossier 5035
2.2.1 Dossier 5035
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
1.3 Parma
1.3.1 Postal convention Austria Parma Piacenza Guastalla 1817 (A.S. Vienna)
1.3.2 Postal convention Austria Parma 1851 (A.S. Vienna)
1.3.3 Synoptic Table Arrival and Departures 1829
1.4 Modena
1.4.1 Postal convention Austria Modena 3.12.1817 (A.S. Vienna)
1.4.2 Postal convention Austria Modena 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5 Papal States
1.5.1 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1815, 1818 (Haus-Hof-Staatsarchiv Vienna)
1.5.2 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.3 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823, art. additional 1839 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.4 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1852 (Berlin Postal Museum)
1.5.5 idem, text published in Italian (Laws collection)
1.5.6 idem, text published in German (Laws Collection)
1.5.7 General Tariffs for all Tuscany posts (in Papal State)
1.5.8 Naples-Mantua
1.5.9 Notification 1824
1.5.10 Austrian Postal Office in Rome
1.6 Duchy of Milan
1.6.1 Lindau Currier (Fussacher Bote) Thurn & Taxis Archive in Regensburg (Dossier 5044) (Milan July 1747)
1.7 Sardinia
1.7.1 Postal convention Sardinia – Ticino 1837 + 1844 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.2 Postal convention Sardinia – France 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.3 Postal convention Sardinia – Vaud 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.8 Austria
1.8.1 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1817, 1822, 1825, 1831, 1843 (A.S. Paris)
1.8.2 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1857 (Postal Museum Paris)
2. Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
2.1 Dossier 5050
2.1.1 Dossier 5050
2.2 Dossier 5035
2.2.1 Dossier 5035
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
1.5 Papal States
1.5.1 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1815, 1818 (Haus-Hof-Staatsarchiv Vienna)
1.5.2 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.3 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1823, art. additional 1839 (A.S. Vienna)
1.5.4 Postal convention Austria Papal State 1852 (Berlin Postal Museum)
1.5.5 idem, text published in Italian (Laws collection)
1.5.6 idem, text published in German (Laws Collection)
1.5.7 General Tariffs for all Tuscany posts (in Papal State)
1.5.8 Naples-Mantua
1.5.9 Notification 1824
1.5.10 Austrian Postal Office in Rome
1.6 Duchy of Milan
1.6.1 Lindau Currier (Fussacher Bote) Thurn & Taxis Archive in Regensburg (Dossier 5044) (Milan July 1747)
1.7 Sardinia
1.7.1 Postal convention Sardinia – Ticino 1837 + 1844 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.2 Postal convention Sardinia – France 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.3 Postal convention Sardinia – Vaud 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.8 Austria
1.8.1 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1817, 1822, 1825, 1831, 1843 (A.S. Paris)
1.8.2 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1857 (Postal Museum Paris)
2. Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
2.1 Dossier 5050
2.1.1 Dossier 5050
2.2 Dossier 5035
2.2.1 Dossier 5035
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
1.7 Sardinia
1.7.1 Postal convention Sardinia – Ticino 1837 + 1844 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.2 Postal convention Sardinia – France 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.7.3 Postal convention Sardinia – Vaud 1832 (A.S. Turin)
1.8 Austria
1.8.1 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1817, 1822, 1825, 1831, 1843 (A.S. Paris)
1.8.2 Postal convention France – Austria and regulations 1857 (Postal Museum Paris)
2. Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
2.1 Dossier 5050
2.1.1 Dossier 5050
2.2 Dossier 5035
2.2.1 Dossier 5035
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
2. Various documents about the post from the State Archive of Milan
2.1 Dossier 5050
2.1.1 Dossier 5050
2.2 Dossier 5035
2.2.1 Dossier 5035
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
2.3 Dossier 5036
2.3.1 Dossier 5036
2.4 Dossier 5037
2.4.1 Dossier 5037
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
2.5 Dossier 5038
2.5.1 Dossier 5038
2.6 Dossier 5040
2.6.1 Dossier 5040
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
2.7 Dossier 5048
2.7.1 Dossier 5048
2.8 Dossier 5045
2.8.1 Dossier 5045
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
2.9 Dossier 5046
2.9.1 Dossier 5046
2.10 Dossier 5047
2.10.1 Dossier 5047
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
3. Postal Conventions of the State Archive of Milan
3.1 Lombard Postal Archive, pink series #360
3.1.1 Austria – Switzerland, 1818
3.1.2 Lucerne – Milan/Kingdom of Italy, 1812
3.1.3 Kingdom of Italy – Swiss Cantons, 1809
3.1.4 Milan – Swiss Cantons, postal routes, 1834
3.1.5 Republic of Italy – Zurich, 1804
3.1.6 Milan – Swiss Cantons, regarding Lugano, Lucerne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and transit to Germany, 1818
3.1.7 Austria – Ticino, 1834
3.1.8 Final notes concerning the postal relations between Austria and Swiss Cantons, 1847
3.1.9 Austria – Papal States, 1823
3.1.10 Milan – Switzerland (Bern, Waadt, Wallis), with Fischer 1814/1816
3.1.11 Zurich, Schaffhausen – Milan, instructions to convention of 1819
3.2 Archivio Postale Lombardo, frist red series #351
3.2.1 Austria – Papal States, 1815
3.2.2 Austria – Tuscany, 1817
3.2.3 Austria – Modena, 1818
3.2.4 France – Italy, 1803
3.2.5 Bavaria – Italy, 1809
3.2.6 Bavaria – Milan, 1819
3.2.7 Milan – Duchy of Genoa, 1781
3.2.8 Zurich – Italy, 1804
3.2.9 Duchy of Milan – Venice, 1769
3.2.10 Lucerne – Italy, 1805
3.2.11 Italy – Wallis/Waadt, 1805
3.2.12 Bern (Fischer) – Duchy of Milan, 1768
3.2.13 Bern (Fischer) – Italy, 1804
3.2.14 Bern (Fischer) – Milan, 1814
3.2.15 Fischer – Milan, 1816
3.2.16 Parma – Milan, 1817
3.2.17 Turin – Milan, 1818
3.2.18 Schaffhausen, instructions for convention with Switzerland, 1819 3.2.19
3.2.19 Thurn & Taxis – Milan, 1818
3.2.20 Saxony – Milan, 1818
3.2.21 Bavaria- Milan, 1819
3.2.22 Chur & Lindau (route of Splügen), 1820
3.2.23 Courier of Fussach, 1820
3.2.24 Genoa – Milan, 1814
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto
5. Miscellaneous documents regarding postal history from various archives
5.1 Tuscany
5.1.1 A.S. Firenze, Posta, raccolta documenti vari sulla posta 1815-1816
5.1.2 A.S. Firenze, Soprintendenza Generale delle Poste 184 (Convenzione Postale Tosco- Francese 1817 ed allegati e correlate)
5.1.3 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1850 and instructions
5.1.4 Postal Convention Tuscany – Austria 1851
5.1.5 Notification Tuscany XXX Sardinia, Belgium and Switzerland 1851
5.1.6 Notification Tuscany LVII to Sardinia 1852
5.1.7 Postal Convention Austria Tuscany 1818
5.1.8 Decree concerning monetary reform Tuscany 1859
5.1.9 Notification Tuscany – Sardinia for Switzerland and Belgium 1851
5.1.10 Notification Tuscany LVII Sardinia – France 1851
5.1.11 Notification Tuscany 1848 of Florence Post from and to abroad
5.1.12 Notification Tuscany 1835 Piombino
5.1.13 Notification Tuscany General Tariff for Letters 1835
5.1.14 Notification Tuscany Toscana 1828 Horse Post
5.1.15 Notification Tuscany 1814 Postal Reform
5.1.16 Tuscany Couriers 1825
5.1.17 Notification Tuscany 1814 new postal rates
5.1.18 Notification Tuscany 1808 Letters
5.2 Duchy of Milan and Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia
5.2.1 Convention Milan French Post and Milan Ducky Post 1779
5.2.2 Convention Austria – France 1817
5.2.3 Papal Diligence Notice and Austrian Courier in Mantua
5.2.4 Arrivals and departures of the post office in Rome 1810
5.2.5 Notification Milan Post – Austrian Lloyd 1844
5.2.6 Circular of Lombardy Post Office of Postal rates for abroad 1842
5.2.7 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1837 Austrian Lloyd
5.2.8 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1844 Rules for the routing letters abroad
5.2.9 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1842 Chiavenna Spluga
5.2.10 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Postal rates and routes for abroad
5.2.11 Milan Postal Tariffs 1731
5.2.12 Instructions for handling letters Milan 1759
5.2.13 New course of the letters of Milan 1762
5.2.14 Notification Milan Post 1769 Distribution and mails Shipping
5.2.15 Public Notice of General Tariff for letters Milan 1790 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.16 IR Government of Milan 1844 Circular on the obligation to frank letters between Austria Prussia and some states of the German Confederation
5.2.17 Circular of Lombardy Post Office 1847 Letters to Russia
5.2.18 Circular of the Lombardy Post Office 1844 Letters Austria, France, Algeria, Great Britain + Colonies
5.2.19 IR notification by the Government of Milan 1844 Mail for abroad
5.2.20 IR Notification of the Government of Milan 1843 Agreement with Thurn und Taxis and Austria
5.3 Sardinia
5.3.1 Postal relationship Sardinia – France (conventions 1814, 1818, 1838)
5.4 Venice
5.4.1 Treaty 1675 France – Venice
5.5 Kingdom of Italy/Napoleonic period
5.5.1 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.2 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1811
5.5.3 Napoleonic Postal Tariffs Decree 1808
5.5.4 Postal Convention France and the Italian Republic 1803 (transcription)
5.5.5 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1806 Decree for Reduction of Postal Rates
5.5.6 Kingdom of Italy Milan 1811 Postal rates for abroad
5.5.7 1805 Napoleon I Decree System and Postal Rates 1805
5.5.8 Napoleonic Decree 1808 Metauro Musone and Tronto postal rates
5.6 Modena
5.6.1 Tariff Notification Modena 1814
5.6.2 Postal Rate Table Reggio 1719
5.6.3 Arrivals and departures of the Reggio Post Office 1848
5.6.4 Postal Convention Austria Modena 1851
5.7 Sicily
5.7.1 Postal Tariff of Major courier of Sicily 1725, 1798, 1799
5.7.2 Notice to Public 1840
6. Studies and articles
6.1 Postal relations between Austria / Montenegro and Serbia since 1870
6.2 Goatcher, Fred: The Mont Cenis Pass and the Post Office
6.3 “Nachgebühr”-Markings in the postal service with Italy (1993)
6.4 France – Italy 1790/1815
6.5 P ROME P Jusqu’a Douvre
6.6 Italy Routes 1815 – Postal Union
6.7 Lombardo Veneto (24/1972)
6.8 Venice (2/1973)
6.9 Austria-markings (18/1971)
6.10 Notes about the markings regarding Papal States (1970)
6.11 Fakes of Papal Markings (1991)
6.12 Rungg, Max: From the Duchy of Modena to the Kingdom of Italy (423/1974)
6.13 Popp, Ilse, “Aus Österreich” Proposal for a description oft the Prussian Transit Markings with Austria (74/1983 e 76/1984)
6.14 De Clercq, Leo: Austria, Italy, etc. (1975)
6.15 De Clercq/Sieber/Vollmeier: Correspondence about markings
4. Postal history collections
4.1 Sieber: Sardinia France 1818-1850
4.2 Gallenga: Rome Markings (Aste Bolaffi November 2004)
4.3 Vollmeier: Sicily
4.4 Vollmeier: Republic of Genua
4.5 Amplatz: French Post in Italy 1550-1919
4.6 Schäfer: Swiss Cantons – Sardinia
4.7 De Clerq: Route de Rome
4.8 Schramek: Prephilatelic postmarks of Lombardy – Veneto